
Industrial Deafness Claims

As you may already know, industrial deafness claims are sadly growing in demand.

The first thing to consider is how this came to be. Industrial workers are exposed to many health hazards in a continuous way.

Employers have the legal responsibility of taking the right measures and if they fail to do so then you, as an employee have every right to present your claim explaining the circumstances.

Hearing is critical for you to be fully functional in your daily affairs and many problems are derived from noisy work conditions.

Although the first symptoms might be buzzing, whistling, or humming in an ear, we will present the four main types of industrial deafness.

Four main types of Industrial Deafness

1. Hearing Loss – Permanent

This type is known in medical terms as a threshold shift, this happens after a gradual process.

Who are the workers more exposed to this threat?

Music technicians at a concert or workers who work close to loud machines. You must realize this is not usually an overnight problem, but it takes up to 10 years to show up.

The technical reasons are found in the inner ear since its hair cells don’t grow back again. As a final result, the ear will not be able to hear certain frequencies such as those found in children and women’s voices.

2. Hearing Loss – Temporary

Industrial deafness claims are often filled with this type of hearing loss.

What are the reasons for this outcome?

First of all because of the noise exposure of up to 80 decibels. After two hours of this exposure, the individual loses their sense of hearing completely.

“The experiential result for the individual is hearing muffled and dull sounds.”

The good news is that hearing returns to normal after a while but on the other side, it creates serious chronic problems. In a period of time of around 14 hours hearing returns to normal.

If this condition is presented several times a year then the first type of hearing loss, the permanent one, may occur.

3. Acoustic Trauma

The aforementioned types of hearing loss are caused by chronic exposure to loud sounds, because of this, a new question arises.

What if loud noise hurts the ear in a short period of time?

Then the condition known as acoustic trauma happens. As an example of loud noise you will find explosions and gunfire.

“Injuries are usually physical such as perforation of eardrums along with hearing loss, which is common.”

4. Tinnitus

Although other medical conditions can be the cause for tinnitus, it is a common occurrence that industrial noises are the responsible ones.

“Buzzing, hissing, ringing, whirling, and roaring are common symptoms for this ailment.”

It is usually temporary but it might become a permanent issue. As you can see, the aforementioned conditions are usually caused by negligence and industrial deafness claims are the solution.

It is no wonder that thousands of workers are not aware of the solution to this important health concern.

There are, of course, preventive measures, usually found in the form of gear and improved use of space, but if you are reading this, it is probably too late.

What’s really important is that solutions are at your reach in the form of industrial deafness claims.