Johnson Law Offices has helped thousands WI workers claim benefits for hearing loss worker compensation since 1983. Over these years, we have received hundreds of letters from clients thanking and letting us know how their improved hearing has bettered their lives.
Click the CONTACT US or call us at 800-400-5765 to learn more about your hearing loss worker’s compensation benefits.
Professional Recommendation
Dr. Charles I. Berlin, Ph.D. - Louisiana State University
“Hearing impaired workers have an outstanding advocate in Doug Johnson and his associates. In my many years of working with and for hearing-impaired populations I have rarely met an attorney as knowledgeable, thoughtful, and determined an advocate as Doug Johnson.”

Source: Unsplash
Few of many testimonials of workers about hearing loss workers compensation
Edward Suess Place - Mishicot, WI
“After talking with you at different times during our workers compensation claim, you made me feel like you were my friend for a long time. If you ever get to the Manitowoc or Green Bay area, give me a call. I will make every effort to meet you. I appreciate all you have done to resolve this claim. I know without your help, I would not have received any compensation.”
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kuehl Place - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
“With deep appreciation and sincere thanks to you for your many efforts in helping Howard receive hearing aids, etc. Words cannot express our gratitude to you.”
Mr. Aloysius Brouillard Place - White Lake, WI
“I want to thank you very much for helping me. I appreciate it very much. Now I will get another hearing aid for the other ear. Thank you again.”
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Leigl - Mayville, WI
“Just a few short lines to thank you so kindly for the good work you have done for my husband in regards to his hearing aids. The hearing aids are a blessing when a person cannot hear properly. We really appreciated everything you have done.”
Mr. & Mrs. John Summerville - Melrose, WI
“We got our check today and want to thank you for all you did for us. John will be able to do something with his hearing aids now. Thanks again and happy holidays!”
Client Stories
One particular gentleman wrote us a very eloquent story about how he finally realized he needed to do something about his loss of hearing before his wife divorced him!!
One beautiful Sunday upon arriving home after church, his wife asked, “Wasn’t that joke the minister told funny?” She then went on to say, “Why didn’t you tell Katherine that we couldn’t make it to her sister’s birthday party Tuesday night?” Finally, she said, “Boy, it was sure a good thing you heard the ambulance coming so that we could get out of their way before they hit us.” Then she looked him directly in the face and said, “What’s the matter, aren’t you listening to me?” Well, the fact was, he didn’t hear the minister’s joke. He thought Katherine was talking about her nephew’s soccer game on Wednesday night and to top it off, he didn’t even hear the ambulance’s siren. He didn’t bother explaining all this to his wife, he simply made an appointment the next day with a hearing aid specialist. The marriage is still intact.
Then there was the story about the man who didn’t believe that he needed hearing aids. After he retired he took his wife on a trip to the Caribbean. He said the return flight was very uneventful until the plane landed. His wife told the real story once they were back on firm ground. She relayed the story of how, halfway through the flight, the pilot came on the speaker system and told everyone that they were having engine trouble.
People were in a panic, crying, and praying. The stewardesses were frantically trying to calm passengers down. The pilot got back on the speaker and stated that they had lost an engine and they were going to try to make it down without it. It was chaos! They finally landed safely. Our client missed the whole thing…he did not hear a thing. His wife had to relay all of the events leading to their arrival home.
Lastly, there was the sad story of the man who was sitting upstairs watching his TV set one night. Unbeknownst to him, his beloved wife, who was on the first floor doing dishes, started to have chest pains. She screamed up to her husband to “PLEASE CALL 911”..SHE TRIED AGAIN, “PLEASE CALL 911” AND ONCE MORE, “HONEY PLEASE HELP ME, CALL 911.” Well her husband, was having a great time, watching his favorite sitcom and did not hear her frantic calls for help. She, at last, gave up and managed to get to the phone herself and called 911 before she collapsed. Thank God, help arrived in time and she is fine now. Her husband, at last, came to the realization, that he needed hearing aids!!
Click the CONTACT US or call us at 800-400-5765 to learn more about your hearing loss worker’s compensation benefits.