Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss Myths and Facts

Hearing loss is a part of the aging process just like gray hair, or crow’s feet. When it starts to take effect it varies from one person to another.

Some people get affected earlier than others. It can happen so gradually that the person being affected by hearing loss doesn’t even recognize how significant the loss is.

There are many signs that indicate hearing loss but there are also a lot of myths that are way different than the actual facts. We took the time to find and clear some hearing loss myths for you.

Hearing Loss – Myths and Facts

Myth: Ears should be cleaned with cotton swabs, fingers, or keys.

Fact: Most people believe that the ears should be cleaned in the same way we clean the rest of our body parts. But the truth is that the ears actually clean themselves. How?

The ear canal skin (cerumen) moves outwards and protects the eardrum. By pushing this material back inside you are risking temporary hearing loss, or even piercing your eardrum after which immediate surgery is necessary.

In some cases where ear canals do not remove ear wax as it should, do not take matters into your own hands. Consulting a doctor should be your first step.

Myth: I’m young and loud music doesn’t hurt my ears.

Fact: Being young doesn’t mean you can be carefreely exposed to loud noises. If anything the more you protect your ears at a young age, the less hearing loss you will suffer as you grow old.

Loud noise damages ear no matter the age, so avoid prolonged exposure to loud noise like industrial sounds, loud music on earphones, etc.

Myth: My parents are deaf so I will be too.

Fact: Even though the hearing loss may be hereditary, it is not certain. There are many factors when it comes to hearing loss, like exposure to loud sounds,  general health, nutrition, and heredity.

The hearing loss can occur gradually over the years, or overnight. If you suddenly can’t hear on one ear, take this very seriously and consult a doctor immediately.

Myth: My auditory loss can’t be treated.

Fact: There is a lot of miss information on the Internet, and around us. If you had your ears checked 10 years ago, things might be very different today.

With technology evolving so rapidly, the medical industry is finding new ways to treat things that were impossible a decade ago. You should always try to be updated with the latest news of treatments.

Myth: Hearing aid is difficult to get used to.

Fact: Some people believe that it takes time to get used to the hearing aid. It is true that for those who have suffered from hearing loss for many years, it can be surprising.

But for the most part, it is satisfying to hear things clearly around you, and adjusting to it is pleasing and easy.  Nowadays the hearing aids are very advanced and easy to get used to, and not to mention they work better than ever. Most patients even forget that they are using a hearing aid.

These are some myths that felt the urge to clarify. If you have some myths that you need to be clarified, feel free to contact us.

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If you, or anyone you know, worked in noise and suffers from hearing loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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