
Can Working On A Ship Affect Your Hearing?

Since ancient times, individuals have been driven to careers in the marine industry by the attraction of the sea. However, the possibility of hearing loss is a hidden threat to the health of those employed in this industry.

Maritime Work and Hearing Loss

The marine sector provides opportunity and adventure, but it also poses particular difficulties for maintaining hearing health.

The noise produced by ship engines, clanging gear, and crashing waves can expose seafarers to high decibel levels for extended periods. Over time, this continuous assault may cause damage to their hearing if they are not properly protected. Beyond the person, staff communication, safety procedures, and overall operating efficiency are all impacted.

A holistic strategy is needed to address this issue, beginning with raising awareness and educating people. Maritime employees need to be aware of the significance of wearing hearing protection and how to spot hearing impairment. Frequent screens can identify early indicators of impairment, enabling prompt mitigation and intervention measures.

Employers are essential in encouraging a safety culture and allocating sufficient funds for hearing preservation. This entails making sound-reducing technology investments, purchasing top-notch hearing protection equipment, and, when practical, creating calmer workspaces. Training curricula have to stress the appropriate use of safety equipment and promote proactive steps to reduce noise exposure.

Filing a Claim for Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Causes for Hearing Loss in Marine Employment

For maritime workers, chronic exposure to loud noises is the main cause of hearing loss. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) for noise is established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at 85 decibels (dB) over an 8-hour time-weighted average. On board ships, however, a lot of tasks go beyond this threshold, with noise levels sometimes surpassing 90 dB.

Furthermore, working in the marine industry frequently exposes workers to abrupt, strong noise bursts, or “impulse noise.” Ship horns, pressurized air releases, and metal-on-metal clanging during cargo operations are a few examples. These sudden noises have the potential to seriously harm the auditory system right away, which will eventually lead to hearing loss.

Another risk factor for hearing damage in marine environments is the presence of toxic compounds.

Numerous ships run on diesel engines and other equipment, which releases harmful materials including solvents and heavy metals in addition to noise. These compounds have the potential to harm the sensitive hair cells in the inner ear, which are crucial for hearing, which might worsen hearing loss.

Understanding An Impulse Noise

Irrespective of its origin, impulse noise is characterized by its brief duration and high intensity, frequently attaining maximum sound levels in a matter of milliseconds.

The peculiarities of impulsive noise provide serious threats to the integrity of your hearing. In contrast to continuous noise, which gives the auditory system time to acclimate, impulse noise overwhelms the sensitive inner ear structures with a quick barrage of sound energy.

Impulse noise also has effects that go beyond only hearing loss. Physical discomfort brought on by exposure to high-intensity sound waves might include ear pain, tinnitus, or a sense of fullness or pressure in the auditory canal. In severe situations, it may potentially cause actual harm to the ear, such as middle ear bone damage or burst eardrums.

Is Tinnitus Serious?

Addressing the Issue

A multidisciplinary strategy that takes into account both individual actions and environmental factors is needed to prevent hearing loss among maritime workers. Engineering controls can assist in lowering noise levels at the source, such as the use of acoustic enclosures, noise barriers, and sound-attenuating materials.

To reduce the risk of hearing loss, administrative procedures such as job rotation, arranging breaks in quieter locations, and limiting exposure time might be extremely important. Workers who are exposed to dangerous noise levels should be given and wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as earmuffs and earplugs, regularly.

Programs for education and training are crucial for increasing awareness of the value of hearing conservation and providing employees with the information and abilities they need to properly safeguard their auditory health. Frequent medical monitoring programs and hearing tests can aid in spotting early indicators of hearing loss and enable prompt treatment.

Laws that Cover Maritime Accidents

Many regulations that safeguard the rights and welfare of workers and passengers at sea apply to maritime accidents. The primary laws include:

  • Jones Act (Merchant Marine Act of 1920): For seamen who are killed or seriously injured while working onboard a vessel in navigable seas, this statute offers legal remedies and compensation. It permits injured sailors to bring careless employer lawsuits.
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA): This federal statute, which does not apply to seafarers covered by the Jones Act, offers medical benefits and compensation to marine workers hurt while working on navigable waterways or adjacent territories.
  • Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA): The DOHSA pays compensation to the relatives of those who pass away due to carelessness or wrongdoing that occurs more than three nautical miles off the coast of the United States.

Together, these rules guarantee the safety of employees in the maritime sector and their just compensation in the event of accidents or injuries.

Maritime Hearing Loss Lawyers

Does Maritime-Related Hearing Loss Qualify for Compensation?

Noise-induced hearing loss is a common occupational danger for those who work on ships, creating specific difficulties in auditory health. Employers and employees may work together to promote safer and healthier workplaces by having a better understanding of the causes, effects, and remedies of hearing loss in marine situations.

The impact of noise-induced hearing loss can be reduced by a combination of engineering controls, administrative procedures, PPE, education, and proactive monitoring, enabling maritime workers to carry out their essential tasks while protecting their most valuable asset—their hearing.

Yes, depending on the situation, maritime-related hearing loss may be eligible for benefits under the Jones Act or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). Those who suffer from hearing loss who are employed in the maritime industry may be eligible for benefits like health insurance, disability payments, and vocational rehabilitation. To learn more about your rights and seek just compensation contact us at Johnson Law Offices.


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If you, or anyone you know, worked in noise and suffers from hearing loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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