Hearing Loss

Loss of Hearing and Its Impact on the Cognitive Functions

Hearing loss and intelligence, including IQ, are linked, although the relationship is complex and depends on many different factors.

Intelligence Quotient: What is IQ?

Intelligence Quotient, or IQ for short, is a measurement of a person’s capacity for reasoning. In other words, the goal of an IQ test is to determine a person’s ability to make predictions or respond to questions using knowledge and logic.

It is typically assessed with a standardized test like the Stanford-Binet Scale or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. These examinations evaluate several different cognitive skills, such as verbal abilities, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

Based on their Intelligence tests, people are sometimes classified as having “above average” or “below average” intellect.  Scores can range from below 70 to above 130, with 100 being the norm. It’s crucial to remember that IQ is not the only indicator of intelligence or a reliable indicator of success in life.

For a number of reasons, including possible cultural bias and the notion that they might not completely represent all facets of intelligence, the validity of IQ tests has been questioned. Remembering this is also very important. A person’s emotional intelligence, inventiveness, and practical skills are just a few examples of the many traits that have an impact on their overall intelligence.

Relations Between Hearing Loss and Intelligence

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 360 million hearing-impaired people in the world, and this condition is known to have serious detrimental economic effects.

Around the world, hearing loss affects 80% of people, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the brunt of this burden.

It can have an impact on cognitive function as well, and according to studies, elderly people with hearing loss are more prone to have dementia and cognitive decline.

One theory is that, in order to compensate for the loss of auditory input, the brain shifts resources to other activities, which may eventually lead to cognitive impairment.

An alternative perspective contends that attempting to understand speech in distracting or difficult listening situations might tax the brain and impair cognitive function.

According to data from Australia, Sweden, Finland, and the United States, adults with hearing impaired are more likely to be jobless or underemployed, and their income may be up to 45% less than that of the general population.

Can Hearing Loss Cause Other Health Problems?

“NAL” Study on the Connection Between Hearing Loss and IQ

The “NAL (National Acoustic Laboratories) study,” conducted in Australia in the 1980s, is one of the most well-known studies into the relationship between hearing loss and intelligence.

The findings of the study, which followed a group of hearing-impaired children aged 3 to 21, were compared to those of a control group of hearing-normal children.

According to the study, children with hearing impaired had considerably lower IQ scores than children in the control group on IQ tests and were more likely to struggle in school.

The study also discovered that early intervention, such as cochlear implants or hearing aids, has a positive impact on children’s cognitive and academic outcomes.

Hearing Loss & Risk for Unemployment

Hearing impaired can have a detrimental effect in several areas of your life. For example, it might make dementia and depression more likely and make it harder to converse with people. Now that we know, it may also impede your employment prospects.

According to the Hearing Health Foundation, persons with significant hearing loss have an unemployment rate (15.6%) that is almost twice as high as their peers (8.3%) who wear hearing aids and is twice as high as the general population’s (7.8%).

A 2012 study examined the relationship between untreated hearing loss and reduced wages in the journal Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology – proved that people who have hearing impaired earn significantly less money than those who have normal hearing.

Similar research revealed that those with hearing loss frequently have higher rates of unemployment.

Why is Unemployment Greater for Individuals With Hearing Loss?

Following discussions – It is difficult to discuss while dealing with severe hearing impaired, both at home and at work. You could find it difficult to keep up with business gossip or follow talks at lunch with coworkers. Additionally, you won’t be able to pay attention during meetings or one-on-one conversations with your boss.

Background noise difficulty – If you have hearing issues, you won’t be able to hear clearly in noisy surroundings. Your ears and brain are unable to discriminate between background noise and important vocal sounds due to your hearing loss. You can hear all of these sounds at once while having a conversation or on a call with a customer who is present in public and find it difficult.

Poor work performance – People with chronic hearing loss are more prone to make mistakes at work because they are less able to follow directions or participate in meetings. They are more likely to be dismissed and frequently passed over for promotions.

Noise at Work: Controlling the Risks

Hearing Loss Workers Compensation Benefits

The Workers Compensation Program was established in 1911 to encourage employers to make the workplace safer by requiring safety programs and the use of safety devices.

Over 2.5 million workers’ compensation claims have been made since 1911. In terms of the quantity of occupational sickness claims, hearing loss workers’ compensation claims are now in third place.

Workers’ compensation benefits for hearing loss are mainly underutilized benefits that pay for frequently uninsured hearing health treatment. Medicare and other health insurance plans frequently do not cover the cost of hearing aids, but workers compensation does.

You can always contact Johnson Law Offices with questions regarding the procedure, the law, or a specific situation. A hearing impaired workers compensation claim may involve significant legal, medical, and audiometric issues.

The claims call for meticulousness as well as the capacity to get along with hearing-impaired seniors, their families, particularly spouses, and the hearing healthcare providers that treat them.

Workers’ Compensation – Meaning & Definition



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4466104/
  2. https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/
  3. https://www.livescience.com/36143-iq-change-time.html
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-increase-iq#iq-boosting

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If you, or anyone you know, worked in noise and suffers from hearing loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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