
Is it Possible to Reverse Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can be transient or temporary and permanent.

The degree of hearing impairment can vary widely from person to person. Some people have:

  • Partial Hearing Loss
  • Complete Hearing Loss
  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
  • Physical damage to the ears including the eardrum and cellular damage
  • Tinnitus
  • Varying degrees of deafness

“If it is temporary or transient, then it is possible to reverse hearing loss.”

For varying degrees of partial deafness, one can use digital hearing aids and take simultaneous steps to reverse hearing loss.

Understanding the way to reverse hearing loss

Noise-induced loss of hearing

Most people suffering from partial hearing loss may actually be suffering from the noise-induced loss of hearing, increased accumulation of earwax, and irritation to the ears caused by an array of appliances and thus a range of high-intensity sounds.

“Optimum hearing can be maintained if one is not exposed to sounds or noises exceeding 85 decibels.”

Unfortunately, numerous small appliances used at home and various machines used across industries cross that threshold by staggering margins.

Imagine the sound of road drilling or blasting a cave, the high-frequency noise of machines used in mining, or the high-intensity sound of the manufacturing equipment.

These noises can easily deafen a person. However, if the impact is transient or temporary, then shielding oneself from these sounds, shutting off the exposure completely, and then taking rehabilitative steps to recover from the loss of hearing can easily reverse hearing loss.

It could take some time but it is absolutely possible.


Millions of adults have a problem with too much wax in the ear canals. While wax protects the ears, it can also block sound.

“Humans can hear sounds or noises even if the canals have around 5% of free space.”

This means that even if earwax was to accumulate as much as 90% or more of the canal, we would still get to hear normally. But, any more wax buildup and we would have a certain degree of deafness or loss of hearing.

This can be easily resolved by having the earwax removed.

Partial deafness or relative loss of hearing

Can be managed with digital hearing aids. Hearing amplifiers can be used hand in hand with earwax removal and various therapies or treatments to reverse hearing loss.

If you have been experiencing hearing loss or partial deafness owing to any injury at your workplace or due to some professional hazard, then you can claim all the expenses for the aforementioned procedures from your employer.