
Invisible Hearing Aids

Many users of hearing aid have trouble dealing with the visibility of the device. They want to keep their hearing loss as a private thing which is difficult when you have pipes, and other parts of the standard hearing aid kit are visible on your ear.

As everything gets smaller in this ever-evolving technological age, so does the hearing aid kits. And those who wanted to keep their hearing loss private can now do that with the introduction of the Invisible Hearing Aids.

Hearing aid devices have been gradually evolving and decreasing in size, and today we have a Lyric hearing aid, which is so small, that can be placed deep inside your ear, where it is “invisible” completely, while still providing the same sound quality as other and larger hearing aid kits.

While you get excited, we do have to mention that the prices are relatively high and they are subscription-based, but we all agree that it is worth the investment to get back one of our 5 senses back.

Types of Hearing Aid

Some of you might know about the Completely-In-Canal (CIC) type of hearing aid, which was one of the most discrete hearing aid kits out there but was still visible from a closer perspective.

With the new laser technologies, hearing aid manufacturers are now able to create even smaller hearing devices, that can go even deeper in the ear canal, and still keep the same quality and power of the sound.

“Once planted this device stays in your ear for up to several months. It needs no battery changes or removal in time of showering or sleeping”.

Since it is subscription-based you can go to the place where you got the hearing aid and have them replace it.

The first one to make the invisible hearing aid was inventor entrepreneur Adnan Shennib from InSound Medical. Since it first came out, a lot of people were very interested in this type of hearing aids.

“The average price for this type of hearing aid is around 3000$ yearly, which is to be fair, quite a lot”.

In case that your hearing loss was caused by the work environment, you can contact us to be eligible for hearing loss compensation benefits. The compensation that you receive can cover the expenses of hearing aids.

Invisible Hearing Aid Vendors

Video on Lyric Hearing Aid

If you would like to get free hearing aid you might be just in the opportunity to get one. If your hearing was induced by a loud work environment, you can receive compensation + free hearing aid.  Learn more about hearing loss worker’s compensation.