Hearing Loss

Chemical Industry and Hearing Loss: Ototoxic Chemicals

Due to exposure to ototoxic chemicals and high levels of noise the chemical industry poses a significant risk of hearing loss for workers. Styrene, toluene, carbon disulfide, and lead are some of the most common ototoxic chemicals found in the industry responsible for the development of hearing loss.

What Are Ototoxic Chemicals?

Ototoxicity is the term used to describe the toxic impact on the inner ear’s ability to function, which can cause Vestibulotoxic difficulties and temporary or permanent hearing loss (Cochleotoxic).

These chemicals are present in a wide variety of goods and materials, such as medications, cleaning agents, and industrial chemicals. Permanent hearing loss brought on by ototoxic chemical exposure can be a serious impairment for people who work in fields where exposure to these toxins is widespread.

Ototoxicity is characterized by tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness, nausea, and/or vomiting.

What Affects the Ear From Chemical Exposure?

The ear can be significantly impacted by chemical exposure, which can cause hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory problems. The sensitive hair cells in the inner ear that convey sound impulses to the brain are especially vulnerable to damage from ototoxic substances. If these hair cells are destroyed or damaged beyond repair, hearing loss will result permanently.

Chemical exposure can also result in tinnitus, which is a condition where people continuously hear a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in their ears, in addition to hearing loss. Tinnitus can be a major source of discomfort and can make it difficult for someone to focus, sleep, or go about their everyday activities.

Vestibular dysfunction, which impairs the inner ear’s balancing system, can also be brought on by chemical exposure. Dizziness, vertigo, and a loss of balance brought on by vestibular dysfunction might raise one’s risk of falling and other accidents.

Medications That May Cause Hearing Loss

Chemicals That Cause Hearing Loss

Ototoxic substances (chemicals) can be consumed, absorbed via the skin, or inhaled. After entering the bloodstream, they can go to the ear and enter several auditory channels.

By harming the hair cells in the inner ear, these substances can also result in hearing loss. Any level and combination of hearing loss and balance issues are conceivable when damage occurs.

Some of the most common ototoxic chemicals found in the chemical industry include:

  • Arsenic – found in parasites and microorganism inhibitors;
  • Benzene – found in plastics, paints, cleaning agents and cigarette smoke;
  • Carbon disulfide – found in pesticides;
  • Carbon monoxide – emitted by vehicles, cigarette smoke, welding tools, gasolinepowered tools, cooking stoves and so forth;
  • Styrene – produced in plastics, fiberglass and insulating material;
  • Trichloroethylene – found in dry cleaning, spot remover, rug cleaners, paints, waxes, pesticides and lubricants;
  • Toluene – found in paints, lacquers, adhesives, rubber, leather tanning, spray, paint and many other products;
  • Xylene – found in paints, varnishes and thinners;

Preventing Hearing Loss in the Chemical Industry

It takes a multimodal strategy that tackles both noise exposure and exposure to ototoxic compounds to prevent hearing loss in the chemical sector.

Implementing noise control strategies, such as engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE), is one of the best ways to prevent hearing damage. To lower overall noise levels, this can involve the use of noise barriers, sound-absorbing materials, and the isolation of loud equipment.

Reducing exposure to ototoxic chemicals is also crucial in preventing hearing loss. This may entail switching out dangerous chemicals, putting in place safe working procedures like ventilation and personal protective equipment, and regularly monitoring the workplace to gauge chemical exposure levels.

Additionally, crucial to preventing hearing loss in the chemical business are routine hearing exams. These tests can aid in the early detection of hearing loss, enabling prompt treatment and intervention. Hearing loss can be avoided in the chemical industry by educating workers on the need of wearing hearing protection and by providing the proper PPE.

Hearing Loss Because of the Work – Can I Sue My Employer?

Hearing Loss Workers Compensation Benefits

Depending on state rules and regulations, there are many kinds of workers’ compensation benefits that a worker with hearing loss in the chemical sector may be eligible for.

Medical costs, lost wages, and compensation for permanent hearing loss or disability are typically covered under workers’ compensation benefits for hearing loss.

Employees with hearing loss may be entitled to reimbursement for medical costs associated with the condition’s diagnosis, treatment, and management. This may cover the price of assistive technology such as cochlear implants, hearing aids, and others.

Workers’ compensation may also pay for lost wages, replacing lost income during the employee’s absence from work due to hearing loss. The severity of the hearing loss and the state’s workers’ compensation regulations influence the amount and length of pay replacement benefits.

Workers who suffer from a permanent hearing impairment or loss may occasionally be eligible to financial support for their handicap. To offset the cost of living expenses and lost earning potential, this compensation may be given as a flat payment or as ongoing benefits.


  1. https://www.asha.org/siteassets/ais/ais-chemicals-that-affect-hearing-and-balance.pdf

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If you, or anyone you know, worked in noise and suffers from hearing loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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