
Can Working in a Call Center Cause Hearing Loss?

The risk of hearing loss can be reduced by taking the required safety precautions, such as wearing hearing protection, maintaining appropriate noise levels, and planning frequent breaks to avoid noise exposure.

Working in a call center can potentially cause hearing loss if the noise level exceeds safe levels or if the employee is not provided with proper hearing protection.

What Are the Side Effects of Call Center Job?

Since loud noise damages the sensitive hair cells in the inner ear, prolonged exposure to loud noise can permanently impair hearing.

Working in a call center can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. By taking the necessary safety precautions, like using hearing protection, maintaining proper noise levels, and scheduling frequent breaks to limit noise exposure, the risk of hearing loss can be decreased.

The following are some of the most typical side effects:

  • Physical strain: Contact center work sometimes involves lengthy periods of sitting in a chair, which can cause back pain, neck discomfort, and other musculoskeletal issues.
  • Hearing loss: Exposure to loud noise or prolonged use of a headset can both cause hearing loss in employees.
  • Eye strain: Staring at a computer screen nonstop for extended periods of time can cause eye strain, dry eyes, and other vision-related issues.
  • Stress: Because to the high call volume, the requirement to reach targets, and the necessity of dealing with furious clients, the nature of the job can be stressful. This can result in emotional weariness, anxiety, and melancholy.
  • Sleep disturbances: Contact center workers sometimes work in shifts, which might interfere with their regular sleep cycles and cause sleep disorders.
  • Social isolation: Working in a cubicle or alone is a common aspect of call center jobs, which can result in a lack of human interaction and social isolation.

Working in Call Center Cause Hearing Loss: Acoustic Shock

Acoustic shock in a call center is the term used to describe the temporary or permanent change to hearing and the nervous system brought on by an abrupt, loud sound coming from a headset or telephone earpiece.

Symptoms are Noise-cause hearing loss – hearing damage brought on by prolonged exposure to loud noises at work (typically years), and symptoms can also include temporary or permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, ear pain, headache, nausea, loss of balance, stress, hypersensitivity to sound, neck pain, and fatigue.

Ear damage from loud noise – Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

But, acoustic shock is completely different because even though it may have only been audible for a brief period of time, the noise level is far above what is considered safe.

Although it may have only been heard for a brief period of time, acoustic shock is substantially different since the noise level is far greater than what is considered to be safe.

Telemarketers and contact center staff frequently report unexpectedly loud noises, such as whistles or beeps, coming through the headset or headphones. Faults, feedback, signaling tones, fax sounds, or oscillation may be to blame for these noises.

Hearing Test for Call Center

To determine a person’s hearing ability and whether or not hearing loss as a result of their work environment has occurred, a hearing test is a screening technique. Throughout the procedure, a number of examinations are frequently used to determine how sensitive and clear someone’s hearing is.

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It is common practice to depict the results of a hearing test using an audiogram, a visual representation of a person’s hearing capabilities. If the hearing test results indicate hearing loss, an audiologist may refer the patient for additional medical testing and therapy.

An audiologist or hearing expert who may conduct the hearing test will measure the person’s hearing sensitivity using specialized equipment. The test may also contain a speech discrimination exam, which measures a person’s understanding of spoken words in various listening scenarios.

How to Protect Ears From Causes of Hearing Loss?

It’s crucial to take precautions to safeguard your ears from potential harm if you work in a call center.

The following advice will help you safeguard your ears while working in call center:

  1. Take regular breaks: You can reduce the length of time you spend on calls and the amount of loud noise you are exposed to by taking frequent pauses.
  2. Use good posture: Neck and back pain can be a side effect of extended work hours and can be reduced with good posture and ergonomics.
  3. Get regular hearing checks: To keep track of any potential hearing loss or impairment, it’s critical to have your hearing checked frequently.

Call Centre Cause Hearing Loss: Compensation

A call center worker who develops hearing loss due to their working conditions may be eligible to compensation. The degree of the hearing loss, the period of exposure, and the rules and regulations in the region where the call center is located will all be taken into consideration when determining the type and quantity of compensation.

For instance, in the US, employees who develop hearing loss may be entitled to workers’ compensation payments, which may cover lost income, medical expenses, and rehabilitation costs. However, the requirements for eligibility and the amount of the award may differ by state and from person to person.



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If you, or anyone you know, worked in noise and suffers from hearing loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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